Dental & Implant Centre in West Byfleet, Surrey
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Dental bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-coloured resin (a durable plastic material) is applied to a natural tooth and hardened with a special light which bonds the material to the tooth and restores the smile.

Dental bonding is an option to consider:

  • To repair and restore the appearance and shape of decayed teeth (composite resins are used to fill cavities);
  • To repair chipped or cracked teeth;
  • To improve the appearance of discoloured teeth;
  • To close spaces between teeth;
  • To make teeth look longer;
  • To change the shape of teeth;
  • As a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings;
  • To protect a portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed when gums recede

The procedure involves 3 main steps:

1-Preparation: Local Anaesthesia is often not necessary unless the bonding process is being used to rebuild a decayed tooth. We will select a composite resin colour that will closely match the colour of your tooth, and polish the surface of the tooth to reduce any sharp edges and prepare the enamel surface for the bond material.

2-Bonding: Tooth conditioning liquid/gels are then applied to the area(s) being bonded. This may be done in one to three applications depending on the technique selected for each tooth. These procedures help the bonding material adhere to the tooth. The tooth-coloured cosmetic resin is then applied, moulded and adapted to the desired shape. An intense blue light is then used to harden the material until set.

3-Polishing: After the material has fully set, the dentist and patient will assess the results together, and, on approval from the patient, begin the final polishing.

Advantages of dental bonding:

  • Dental bonding for cosmetic purposes (as opposed to treatment of dental decay) involves minimal tooth preparation, and is therefore very conservative of tooth substance. It requires little or no enamel removal, which leaves your tooth strong and intact.
  • Bonding can generally be done in one visit.
  • It is one of the least expensive cosmetic dental procedures and does not incur laboratory fees, unlike veneers and crowns (these are customized porcelain tooth coverings that must be manufactured in a dental laboratory).
  • Unless dental bonding is being performed to fill a decayed tooth, local anaesthesia is not usually required.

Disadvantages of dental bonding:

  • Although the material used in dental bonding is somewhat stain resistant, it does not resist stains as well as crowns.
  • Another disadvantage is that the bonding materials do not last as long, nor are they as strong as other restorative procedures, such as crowns, veneers, or other types of dental restorations.

Conclusion on Dental Bonding:

Because of some of the limitations of dental bonding, it is very well suited to small cosmetic changes for temporary correction of cosmetic defects, and for correction of teeth in areas of very low bite pressure (front teeth, for example,). At West Byfleet Dental & Implant Centre we will take the time to explain the various options available to you, and after dental/personal/lifestyle discussions, we will help you make your decision.

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