Dental & Implant Centre in West Byfleet, Surrey
Call us today on 01932 620200 Madeira Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6DH

CBCT-OPG Referral

West Byfleet Dental & Implant Centre are delighted to inform you of a new service which we can offer to referring dentists.

A recent installation of the Cranex 3D cone beam CBCT scanner has added a whole new dimension to digital diagnostic dentistry. Traditional CBCT scanners have evolved for analyzing large areas within the body and subsequently, the radiographic dose is higher.

Cranex 3D – Advanced CBCT Imaging

The Cranex 3D has been designed specifically for dentistry to focus on smaller areas. It is now much easier to justify taking these 3-dimensional images as they represent approximately 70% of the radiation dose as a standard OPG.

You can make a CBCT-OPG referral by completing the online form below. However, if you would prefer, please feel free to give us a call on 01932 620200, email us at, or click on the below link to download a printable referral form, which you can then send back to us via post: West Byfleet Dental & Implant Centre, 2nd Floor, West Byfleet Health Centre, Madeira Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6DH.

Click here to download a printable PDF version of the below form. Once filled in, please return to us via fax or post.

    Patient Details

  • Referring Dentist Details

  • Type of Scan

    Scan Size

    CBCT Output Format

    Justification For Scan

  • Scan Template To Be Fitted

    Will You Provide Your Own Radiographic Report?

    Fees (£195 per arch/sextant for CBCT and £85 for OPT)

    Radiographs & Clinical Photographs

    If you would like to attach any radiographs, clinical photographs or any documents that you feel would be of use, please use the upload facility below.

  • Please Note: It is the referring practitioner’s responsibility to ensure that all scans and radiographs are reviewed and reported appropriately in the clinical records, in compliance with IRMER 2000 regulations. It is strongly recommended that all scans/radiographs are reported upon by an appropriately trained individual to assess for any coincidental pathology. Please let us know if you wish to make your own arrangements for the reporting.
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